Yoga continues to grow in popularity around the World.
Various studies show its benefits to the mind and body. Especially after the last year of global pandemic, yoga has become a go-to solution for keeping fit, and balanced mentally and physically, without too much expense or fuss.
Practicing yoga in your apartment or backyard can be an enlightening experience, for your body, mind, and soul.
What’s more, recent studies have also linked yoga to sexual pleasure.
Even though sex is still a taboo topic in some cultures, the fact is, it is one of the basic human needs and, at the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, it’s essential for the continuation of our species!
Yoga improves our sex lives not only through specific poses, but also by helping us connect to our body and mind.
Yoga benefits for the body
Yoga is an ancient technique that has surged in popularity in recent years around the globe, as more and more people have discovered its powers for improving flexibility and strength.
And when you put your body to work in yoga, you improve your balance too. Many forms of body pain you might have, such as stiffness, back pain, even headaches caused through tension, can be relieved through yoga.
Regularly practicing yoga helps you keep fit and ensures the health of your body, while also keeping illnesses such as arthritis away.
Yoga benefits for the mind
Yoga is not only about practicing specific physical poses, it’s also about connecting your body and mind.
It’s been proven that yoga brings many benefits for the mind, such as relieving stress, helping you relax, and sleep better.
There is a point in every physical exercise when your body starts releasing endorphins. These are the feel-good hormones that come with a feeling of euphoria and relaxation, which anybody who has sunk into a savasana (or corpse pose) at the end of a particularly strenuous class will be more than familiar with.
Today’s life is very stressful and overwhelming, but yoga can help your mind stay healthy in the face of adversities and challenges. At the same time, regularly practicing yoga has been shown to boost your mood and energy.
If you feel good, both mentally and physically, you will start appreciating and loving yourself more. Which will ultimately improve your sex life.

Yoga benefits for your sex life
Sex is a basic human need, and is key to overall life satisfaction. Yoga has been shown to improve men’s sex lives in many ways, such as:
Awareness of Sexual Zones
During yoga, you learn to focus intently on your body, the sensations that run through it, and the emotions that arise.
Yoga also teaches specific breathing techniques and there are many types of yogic breathing one can practice. Through specific yoga poses and meditation techniques, you can focus on your sexual zones and become more aware of them.
Mula Bandha which commonly refers to the pelvic floor or perineum is an area you are taught to pay attention to when you practice yoga. There are certain yoga poses such as the downward dog, plough pose, or chaturanga that help you strengthen your pelvic muscles, which will help you enjoy control and experience sex in new ways.
Practicing yoga poses that actively engage your Mula Bandha will help you have better orgasms.
Improvement of Sexual Function
As well as Mula Bandha, controlling the breath in your body through other poses helps you manage the circulation of energy in certain body zones.
Once learned, this is a skill that can be practiced during sex too, which can considerably improve your sexual function. On top of this, the pleasure derived from sex will be extra amazing, as the physical feelings can be more intense.
A study examined the benefits of practicing yoga on the sexual function of men. Across a period of 12 weeks, men followed a specific yoga program, with about 15 yoga poses included. At the end of the 12 weeks, men reported a considerable improvement in sexual function, including satisfaction on many levels such as orgasm, ejaculatory control, desire, erection, and many more.Â
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction that affects a wide variety of men. Even though according to the current DSM-5 criteria only about 3% of men would actually be diagnosed with premature ejaculation, about 30% of men report being distressed about it.
But the causes of premature ejaculation are primarily psychological. If you fear disappointing your partner, if you are anxious about your sexual performance, or if you think that your partner will not be satisfied, you might experience premature ejaculation.
A study looked at the sex lives of 500 couples around the world, and found that the average time between the start of intercourse and ejaculation is about 5 and a half minutes. According to the criteria of DSM-5, premature ejaculation time is about 1 minute.Â
Nevertheless, building awareness, strength and control of the pelvic floor, as well as breathing techniques through Yoga, can help men feel more confident and in control of this particularly stressful aspect of sexual performance.
Attention and Breathing
Engaging in sexual activity requires attention, as you need to focus both on yourself and your partner.
This kind of focused attention is trained during yoga through the synchronisation of body and breathing techniques – also known as pranayamas.
Focusing on your breath and body helps you focus your attention easier. Meanwhile, during sex, focusing your attention on what happens, how you breathe, how you feel, or what your partner feels or responds to can help enhance the experience for the both of you.
Being more sexually assertive is something most men want and yoga can help bolster this confidence.
More Sensuality
Men can be sensual as well as women. And this can spice up your relationship and sexual performance too.
Being, and, more importantly, staying in tune with your body and the sensations that run through it can boost your sensuality considerably. And Yoga helps train this too through the deep connection between mind and body.
More Energy
It’s a common fallacy that men are always in the mood for sex.
Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions currently dominating men can do a number on our libidos, not to mention basic physical factors such as low quality sleep, tiredness and poor diet.
Yoga can help with all of this due to its stress-diffusing benefits, as well as its ability to boost energy levels and improve sleep quality in those who practice regularly.
Meeting Partners
Finding a partner you bond with can be difficult during these times. Even though the use of dating apps has increased drastically, the last year left a mark on many people. Many remain so afraid of not catching the virus that they still limit their social calendars and interactions with strangers.
Many men choose to practice yoga in the comfort of their own homes, but almost every town and village has yoga classes they could attend. Yoga has gained a huge momentum in recent years, including classes specifically for men.
But the vast majority of classes are mixed, and although you absolutely do not want to be the kind of person who goes to yoga classes just to ‘pick up’ – attending your local studio is a fantastic way to start reintegrating with the world, whilst doing your body and mind the world of good. And hey, if you should meet your Mrs or Mr Right whilst you’re rolling up your mats at the end of class, who are we to judge?
The ‘Happy Ending’
Many studies have proven that yoga has considerable benefits on people’s body, mind, and sex life.
Yoga improves your flexibility and muscle strength it relieves stress and anxiety – some of the factors that can lead to sexual performance factors like premature ejaculation. Meanwhile, it also helps you become more aware of your sexual zones and improves sexual function.
Your sexual arousal, desire, performance, and orgasm are incredibly boosted by a regular yoga practice.
So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your sex life and feel better in your shape and body, yoga is the solution.
The Author
Charles Normandin writes unique articles for dissertation help. He is a professional in writing unique texts and also speaks three languages at a high level. He is fond of volunteering, drawing, and rock climbing. In his view, days spent helping animals at the shelter makes life better. Meet him on Twitter @Charles60104524.